Friday, July 24, 2009

Wipeout HD officially gets more Furious and more psychedelic

Speaking of supersleek, future-iconographic, mag-lev hover-racing, the Fury add-on for Wipeout HD is now available from the Playstation Store for ten bucks. You get new ship models and new tracks. You also get three new modes. Two of them seem based on dealing with obstacles on the track, while a third emphasizes combat~

I'm mostly looking forward to new tracks, since Wipeout HD for the Playstation 3 consisted entirely of tracks from the earlier PSP games. I'm particularly interested in the four "zone" tracks, which seem to push the psychedelic angle more than the sleek futuristic angle. I hope artist Rita Linsley designs tracks as well as she grooves on quantum physics. From her comments on the developers blog:

'Zone' is speed experienced in its purest state, with no weapons. From a poetic point of view Zone can be likened to riding an atom in a particle accelerator. The speed of the atom as it 'rides the torus' gets increasingly faster and faster, until ultimately it moves at such surreal speeds that it exists contiguously at all points along its path. It becomes an omnipresent singularity along this path, a very peculiar entity with 'mixed dimensionality.' If we could become that little atom at that moment we would find ourselves connected to a psychedelic 'speed-dimension.' It would be one hell of a trip! So zone mode is all about surreal abstract geometries, and shifting landscapes of colour that create an otherworldly atmosphere~

via : ps3

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